Pink Organic Dye
Previous Product Next ProductPink organic dye made with earth, sea salt, Himalayan salt, and organic pale pink wild roses. Create eco friendly clothing with this organic dye to present a new standard for creating sustainable fashion harmlessly.
Pink Dyeing Instructions:
STOVE TOP DIRECTIONS: For the best results please empty contents of pouch into a stockpot of water. Place on stove and bring to a boil. Stir. Insert pre-washed, clean, wet fabric into dye. Stir. Cook the fabric to achieve desired color. Rinse in cold water. Washing your garment by hand with natural neutral pH detergent will help to preserve your work.
KIDS: **If this dye is being used with children you may allow it to cool before use and place in buckets or any kid friendly vehicle for safe dyeing fun.
PAINT: Please feel free to experiment with this pack by adding to paint. Simply sift the salt and roses away from the rest of the contents, add to any paint base, stir well and have fun.
USAGE: May be used on any natural fabric such as cotton, silk, linen, hemp, jute, etc. The lighter the base fabric, white or natural, the brighter your colors will show. The more concentrated the dye the darker the color.
PACKAGING: The packaging is hand screened with ALR Pink Earth by Morgan and Patrick in Brooklyn. The instructions are printed on recycled paper in carbon. Please recycle both the paper and plastic from this packaging. We hope to bring you zero waste packaging in the future.
DISCLAIMER: The contents of the pouch are high quality natural non-toxic ACMI tested and approved. If powder gets in eyes or mouth flush with water until clear. Natural color may fade quicker than chemical dyes. If you or your child are allergic to these ingredients as food please do not use. This is not food. Wear gloves and/or apron if you don’t want potentially tinted skin or clothing!
#alrdyeing @audreylouisereynolds on Instagram for all of your creations please! We would love to see what you’ve made. Thank you for embarking on this adventure with us.